Welcome to Church
As Episcopalians, we are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life. We are inspired by Holy Scripture, which forms the basis of our preaching and teaching and worship. Prayers and worship services are guided by The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Healing prayers are offered the third Sunday of each month during the 10 a.m. service.
St. Paul’s is a local parish of The Episcopal Church. We are also members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Episcopal Church is often called a “bridge” church because we embrace both Catholic and Protestant traditions and worship. We seek to recognize and serve Christ in all people, with God’s help.
St. Paul's is sometimes known as “the little church that feeds people” because we have vibrant programs to feed hungry people in Clay Center. Other lay ministry opportunities include acolytes, choir, altar guild and Sunday School.
We invite you to come and worship with us and ask any questions or send us prayer requests.
St. Paul’s is a local parish of The Episcopal Church. We are also members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Episcopal Church is often called a “bridge” church because we embrace both Catholic and Protestant traditions and worship. We seek to recognize and serve Christ in all people, with God’s help.
St. Paul's is sometimes known as “the little church that feeds people” because we have vibrant programs to feed hungry people in Clay Center. Other lay ministry opportunities include acolytes, choir, altar guild and Sunday School.
We invite you to come and worship with us and ask any questions or send us prayer requests.