Worship on Sunday mornings

We are closed due to the COVID-19 crisis, until at least May 17. Our bishops will re-evaluate the situation at that time and we will post news on this site.
Meanwhile, please check our diocesan website at
www.episcopal-ks.org for on-line service sites.
Our worship, at 10 a.m. every Sunday, is nearly always a service of Holy Eucharist using Rite II from The Book of Common Prayer, the guide for worship in Episcopal Churches everywhere. It is a primary symbol of our unity.
Holy Eucharist — also known as the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion — is our principal service on nearly every Sunday. Occasionally, in the absence of a priest, our Sunday service consists of Morning Prayer led by lay people. Eucharist is the Greek word for “thanksgiving.” Our worship service lasts about an hour.
We talk about our worship service as “liturgy,” which means “the work of the people.” That means we encourage full participation by everyone. Please join in the prayers and responses during the service, and sing out with a joyful voice on our hymns and service music! Feel free to sit wherever you’d like to.
Our service has two primary parts. The first part is a service of the Word, during which we sing, listen to readings from the Bible, pray and hear a reflection on the scripture readings by the priest (the sermon). We have four readings from the Bible each week: we pay a lot of attention to Holy Scripture. The readings usually include a lesson from the Old Testament, a psalm, a lesson from the New Testament and a reading from one of the four Gospels.
The second part is a service of the Table, our Holy Communion — the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. We welcome you to come to the altar rail to take the bread and wine or to receive a blessing from the priest.
Meanwhile, please check our diocesan website at
www.episcopal-ks.org for on-line service sites.
Our worship, at 10 a.m. every Sunday, is nearly always a service of Holy Eucharist using Rite II from The Book of Common Prayer, the guide for worship in Episcopal Churches everywhere. It is a primary symbol of our unity.
Holy Eucharist — also known as the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion — is our principal service on nearly every Sunday. Occasionally, in the absence of a priest, our Sunday service consists of Morning Prayer led by lay people. Eucharist is the Greek word for “thanksgiving.” Our worship service lasts about an hour.
We talk about our worship service as “liturgy,” which means “the work of the people.” That means we encourage full participation by everyone. Please join in the prayers and responses during the service, and sing out with a joyful voice on our hymns and service music! Feel free to sit wherever you’d like to.
Our service has two primary parts. The first part is a service of the Word, during which we sing, listen to readings from the Bible, pray and hear a reflection on the scripture readings by the priest (the sermon). We have four readings from the Bible each week: we pay a lot of attention to Holy Scripture. The readings usually include a lesson from the Old Testament, a psalm, a lesson from the New Testament and a reading from one of the four Gospels.
The second part is a service of the Table, our Holy Communion — the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. We welcome you to come to the altar rail to take the bread and wine or to receive a blessing from the priest.