What to expect on your first Sunday

We traditionally gather for worship on Sunday mornings, and our principal weekly service is Holy Eucharist — also known as the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion or Mass. Eucharist is the Greek word for “thanksgiving.” Our worship service lasts about an hour.
When you arrive, you can come in through the door on Clarke Street or the north door, which opens into our Garden of Meditation. One of our friendly greeters will welcome you and make sure you have a service bulletin that includes all you need to know about participating in our worship.
We talk about our worship service as “liturgy,” which means “the work of the people.” That means we encourage full participation by everyone. Please join in the prayers and responses during the service, and sing out with a joyful voice on our hymns and service music! Feel free to sit wherever you’d like to.
Our service has two primary parts. The first part is a service of the Word, during which we sing, listen to readings from the Bible, pray and hear a reflection on the Bible readings by our priest (the homily or sermon). We have four readings from the Bible each week; we pay a lot of attention to Holy Scripture. The readings usually include a lesson from the Old Testament, a psalm, a lesson from the New Testament and a reading from one of the four Gospels.
The second part is a service of the Table, our Holy Communion — the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. We welcome you to come to the altar rail to take the bread and wine or to receive a blessing from the priest.
We offer Christian education opportunities for both children and adults. All children are welcome to meet downstairs during the first part of the service. Coffee hour, which is a tradition in most Episcopal Churches, follows the church service. Just follow the crowd after church to our parish hall (just off the north entrance) and enjoy the snacks and conversation.
When you arrive, you can come in through the door on Clarke Street or the north door, which opens into our Garden of Meditation. One of our friendly greeters will welcome you and make sure you have a service bulletin that includes all you need to know about participating in our worship.
We talk about our worship service as “liturgy,” which means “the work of the people.” That means we encourage full participation by everyone. Please join in the prayers and responses during the service, and sing out with a joyful voice on our hymns and service music! Feel free to sit wherever you’d like to.
Our service has two primary parts. The first part is a service of the Word, during which we sing, listen to readings from the Bible, pray and hear a reflection on the Bible readings by our priest (the homily or sermon). We have four readings from the Bible each week; we pay a lot of attention to Holy Scripture. The readings usually include a lesson from the Old Testament, a psalm, a lesson from the New Testament and a reading from one of the four Gospels.
The second part is a service of the Table, our Holy Communion — the family meal for Christians and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. We welcome you to come to the altar rail to take the bread and wine or to receive a blessing from the priest.
We offer Christian education opportunities for both children and adults. All children are welcome to meet downstairs during the first part of the service. Coffee hour, which is a tradition in most Episcopal Churches, follows the church service. Just follow the crowd after church to our parish hall (just off the north entrance) and enjoy the snacks and conversation.